SDMC could not exist without the facilities generously afforded to us by UCSD, the volunteerism of numerous UCSD staff, faculty and graduate students, and the very intangible but extremely important quality of goodwill backing our mission to serve the needs of mathematics students.
There are several UCSD faculty and staff who contribute key behind-the-scenes support to SDMC activities:
Bruce Arnold, SDMC-UCSD Liaison
SDMC students know Mr. Arnold from the teaching he brings to our classrooms, but probably few appreciate how instrumental he is in bringing the classrooms themselves to SDMC! Bruce is the person who negotiates on SDMC's behalf with UCSD's space planners to assure that we have classrooms in which to fit our classes.
Prof. Kiran Kedlaya - Faculty Advisor
Dr. Kedlaya is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and occasional SDMC instructor who advises SDMC and provides a voice for SDMC within the university's academic sphere.
Prof. Peter Ebenfelt - Math Department Chairman
Dr. Ebenfelt, as Chairman of the Mathematics Department, is the person whose support ultimately stands behind the majority of SDMC's activities, many of which occur within the facilities of the Mathematics Department.
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