Diversity and Outreach
SDMC targets an under-served population with unique needs. However, as a minority distinguished by intellectual character rather than qualities of race, ethnicity, or heritage, it may not be obvious what the consequences of our mission orientation may be in terms of diversity as commonly conceived.
In fact, however, our focus on intellectual promise and a culture of achievement has evolved a student population and supporting community that is strongly multicultural, geographically diverse, and blind to social class or status.
A casual survey of students on a random day may find heritages rooted in China, Pakistan, Japan, Korea, Portugal, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Russia, Germany, Brazil, Russia, Taiwan, United States, Ukraine, Mexico ... and more.
SDMC does not charge any tuition or fees for our programs, which makes our programs available to students from any economic stratum.
A recent survey found SDMC students to reside in more than 40 zip codes spread from Laguna Nigel to Chula Vista, and from Temecula to El Cajon. SDMC's geographical reach is greater than any school district in Southern California, and the population served within that reach is greater than the combined populations of Alaska and Delaware, the states served by our 2008 Democratic and Republican Vice-Presidential Candidates, respectively.
EPGY Cluster SDMC's principal focus is on students of exceptional math ability and as a practical matter most of our programs are centralized group activities limited by logistical factors. SDMC's EPGY cluster is the significant exception. As a family-based, individually-paced approach, the EPGY K-8 program permits students anywhere in San Diego County to grow their mathematical skills and understanding independently. Because students can work at any level within the K-8 scope of the program and because the adpative character of EPGY's technology evaluates and responds to students' actual experience, participation in SDMC's EPGY cluster can help both advanced students needing above-grade-level content and struggling students who need remedial suipport. SDMC administers the EPGY cluster as a community service.
The San Diego Math Teachers' Circle SDMC is a collaborator in the start-up and operation of the San Diego Math Teachers' Circle, which aims to benefit math teaching throughout the San Diego region.
The Greater San Diego Mathematics Council (GSDMC). The GSDMC is a professional organization serving mathematics educators in the Greater San Diego area. SDMC's relationship with the GSDMC provides a channel of communication with mathematics professionals throughout San Diego County that helps to identify worthy students in a manner that bridges social and economic divisions.
Countywide Recruitment. Demographic data from the Mathematical Association of America is available each spring summarizing the performance of California students on high-level mathematics examinations. SDMC uses this data to identify San Diego area students who appear to fall within SDMC's target criteria. This list is used for possible recruitment efforts, particularly when promising students are identified in under-represented areas.
The Preuss School Being sited on the UCSD campus, there is a natural synergy available through cooperation with the Preuss School for which diversity is a strong priority. While SDMC has no formal relationship with the Preuss School, SDMC seeks to identify and encourage Preuss students who may benefit from SDMC's programs.
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