
David W. Brown, Ph.D.

Dr. Brown received his Bachelors degree in mathematics and physics from Bucknell University, and his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of Rochester.  He was one of the first research appointments to the then-newly-formed Institute for Nonlinear Science at UCSD, and eventually served as that institute's associate director.

As a child, Dr. Brown attended schools from the Pacific Northwest to the Deep South, from the Midwest to New York City, military and civilian, American and foreign - mostly in the days before GATE and AP, when "Gifted And Talented Education" consisted of being taken under the wing of an understanding and dedicated teacher, and "Advanced Placement" meant a desk in the back of the classroom doing independent study.

Much later, Dr. Brown's own children led him to a heightened appreciation for the exceptional needs of gifted youth and to eventual involvement with non-traditional education. Dr. Brown sees SDMC as an opportunity to provide enriching experiences for talented young people who thrive on challenge, within a peer group that is self-selected for their aptitude and enthusiasm for mathematics.

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